Thursday, April 16, 2009

Shut Out

I'm having a hard time getting onto the forums to ask members questions. I guess to even comment on the forums you need to prove you have a professional Star Wars costume. The thing is, how is one supposed to make a professional costume when they can't even get a hold of people who have already made one? I have resorted to sending e-mails to a few members to see if they would be willing to respond to my questions directly, which kinda makes me lose my "non-participatory" method of observation. Hopefully, I will get a positive response from members. They seem nice enough...right? 

*Relating to Question* Maybe this hard barrier to entry makes this not a "community of exit" and keeps the riff-raff out. I mean, how many Star Wars bashers are going to spend hundreds of dollars constructing a suit just to get kicked from the site?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Nick. I stumbled upon your blog after I saw it in a Google news alert. I'm a member of the 501st and I thought I could help you out a bit.

    It seems like you've already gotten as far as contacting the local chapter (we call them garrisons). That is awesome, and it's one of the first steps of entry into the club. For the benefit of your readers, the 501st message boards are strictly for club use, but the home page has links to club affiliated groups called "Detachments". Each detachment represents a specific costume type. For instance, the First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment covers regular white stormtroopers or the Pathfinders, who cover biker scouts.

    The mission of these detachments is to be what you called points of entry. Their message boards are open to all who want to know more about what is needed and where to go about getting armor parts. Contacting the local garrison is also very important as the members are always glad to lend a hand.

    Hope you fund much success and fun!

    Best Regards,
    Jay daSilva
    TB-1019, Executive Officer, Old Line Garrison, 501st Legion
    Assistant Detachment Leader, Pathfinders (
